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Мениджър Производство

Менпауър е световен лидер в сектора на труда, като създава и предоставя услуги, които дават възможност на клиентите й да бъдат печеливши в постоянно променящия се пазар на труда.

В момента предлагаме възможност за мотивиран ръководен кадър, да се присъедини към екипа на нашия партньор – успешна компания, в хранително-вкусовата промишленост, със собствено сертифицирано производство. Поради разширяване на тяхната дейност, търсим:

Мениджър Производство 


Координира и управлява всички производствени линии и операции в цеха за постигане на оптимална производителност и ефективност;
Анализира производствените процеси и идентифицира възможности за подобрения и оптимизация;
Определя продуктивни и краткосрочни цели и разработва стратегии за постигането им;
Ръководи и мотивира екип от служители, включително възлагане на задачи, обучение, оценка на изпълнението и предоставяне на обратна връзка;
Оптимизира управлението на запасите и материалите, за да избегне необходимостта от честа смяна на суровините и да намали загубите и разходите;
Поддържа бюджета и следи разходите, за да осигури ефективни и икономични производствени операции.

Очакваме от вас да имате:

Бакалавърска степен по Инженерство, Производство или свързана област;
Поне 5 години прогресивен лидерски опит в хранително-вкусовата промишленост;
Изключителна способност за решаване на проблеми;
Владеене на английски език и на MS Office, особено на Excel;
Ефективни умения за комуникация с хора на всички нива в организацията, силна работна етика и положително отношение към екипа.

Компанията предлага:

Атрактивно възнаграждение въз основа на Вашия опит;
Възможност да бъдете част от бързо развиваща се компания;
Реализация в компания с високи професионални стандарти.

Ако това предложение ви е заинтригувало, ще очакваме Вашата професионална автобиография. Ще се свържем само с предварително одобрените по документи кандидати.

Очакваме Ви!
Менпауър България притежава лиценз номер № 2033 / 20.04.2016 за предоставяне на услуги в областта на Човешките Ресурси.

Facility and Utility Manager

Manpower Inc. is a world leader in the staffing industry, providing workforce management services and solutions to customers through 4,400 offices in 80 countries. Manpower also provides a range of staffing solutions, engagement, and consulting services worldwide.

For a client of ours – International manufacturing company, which expands its production activity we are seeking a highly experienced and organized: 

Facility and Utility Manager


Responsible for the maintenance and management of the company's buildings, equipment, and systems.
Plans and manages engineering projects related to buildings and infrastructure.
Ensures the effective functioning of all utility services and systems.
Collaborates with stakeholders to improve energy efficiency and optimize the production process.
Participates in budget development and monitors expenses for facility maintenance.


Experience in a similar role, preferably in a manufacturing or industrial environment.
Knowledge of project management and building maintenance.
Ability to work in a team and strong communication skills.
Expertise in energy efficiency and sustainability.
Technical education in engineering or a related field;
Ability for daily traveling.

The company offers:

Competitive attractive remuneration package;
Become part of a highly professional and open-minded team;
A perfect environment for your personal and professional development;
Great working environment and a highly professional team.

If you want to grow professionally and become part of an amazing company, with Great Administration Team, then Apply NOW!
All applications will be treated in strict confidence. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Manpower Bulgaria holds a license to operate in Bulgaria No. 2033/20.04.2016.

Търговски мениджър външни пазари

Менпауър България търси за свой клиент – утвърдена компания от ХВП индустрия с дългогодишно присъствие и успешен бизнес на международни пазари, динамичен професионалист със страст към търговията и развитието, който да се присъедини към екипа им в ролята на:

Търговски мениджър външни пазари

Идеалният профил:

Опитен професионалист и екипен играч, с изразени лидерски качества, готов да ръководи и мотивира своя екип към постигане на целите. Проактивност и самоинициативност, съчетани с комуникативни умения, са качествата, които вярваме, че биха надградили успехите на компанията.
Отговорности и задължения: 

Управлява, планира, организира и контролира цялостната дейност по осъществяване на продажбите и търговски маркетинг на компанията на международните пазари;
Разработва, управлява и развива пазарната стратегия и плановете за продажби на компанията;
Установява и поддържа на стабилни отношения с ключови клиенти и ръководи и контролира разширяването на клиентската мрежа;
Следи развитието на пазара, тенденциите и конкуренцията, изготвя анализи и отчитане на ключови показатели и предприема действия за достигане на фирмените цели;
Води преговори, участва в изложения и сключва дългосрочни договори;
Разбира нуждите на клиента и участва в разработване на индивидуални решения;
Ръководи, планира и контролира ежедневните дейности на екипа си и си сътрудничи активно с останалите отдели

Изисквания и компетенции:

Завършено висше образование и ръководен опит;
Предходен търговски опит на подобна длъжност в областта на продажбите – опит от ХВП индустрия е предимство;
Английски език на отлично ниво – писмено и говоримо;
Отлични комуникативни умения и насоченост към резултати;
Компютърни умения;
Шофьорска книжка (активен шофьор);
Изявени лидерски качества и отлични комуникативни умения;
Инициативност и стремеж към постигане на резултати;
Отговорност, лоялност и високо ниво на организираност;

Компанията предлага:

Дългосрочен ангажимент в компания с утвърдено име и коректни трудови отношения;
Възможност за професионално и личностно развитие в динамична среда и работа сред екип от професионалисти;
Конкурентно възнаграждение и бонуси, базирани на постигнатите резултати;
Пакет от допълнителни придобивки;
Работа в иновативна и подкрепяща среда;

Ако търговията е ваша страст, а постигането на цели – движеща сила, то тази позиция е точно за Вас!

Моля изпратете ни вашата  детайлна автобиография още днес!

Всички кандидатури ще бъдат разглеждани строго конфиденциално, в съответствие с изискванията на ЗЗЛД. Ще се свържем само с одобрените кандидати. 

Очакваме Ви!

Менпауър България има лицензен номер № 2033/20.04.2016 г. за предоставяне на услуги в областта на Човешките ресурси.Менпауър България търси за свой клиент – утвърдена компания от ХВП индустрия с дългогодишно присъствие и успешен бизнес на международни пазари, динамичен професионалист със страст към търговията и развитието, който да се присъедини към екипа им в ролята […]

General hotel manager

Manpower presents to you the excellent opportunity to become part of the successful team of a 4-star hotel in the position of General hotel manager.

The General Hotel Manager will function as the primary strategic business leader of the property with responsibility for all aspects of the operation, including guest and employee satisfaction, financial performance, sales, and revenue generation. General Manager verifies the implementation of service strategy and initiatives to meet or exceed guest expectations and increase profit and market share. In addition, he/she will hold the property leadership team accountable for strategy execution and guides their individual professional development. 

Essential functions and duties:

* Coordinates and oversees all hotel operations, ensuring quality service within the established business plan and budget. 
* Ensures maintenance issues and addresses on time.
* Analyzes financial information; plans and facilitates purchases.
* Makes a business plan aligned with forecasted sales and costs, including guidance to department heads.
* Lead the executive team utilizing a participative style and effectively communicating with each member, coordinate the operation of each leader’s department and special projects, and assist in identifying problems and offering solutions.
* Guide and motivate hotel leaders in dealing with the hotel’s problems and opportunities to serve the financial interests of the property best.
* Assure that all hotel policies and procedures are fully implemented throughout the hotel.
* Represents the organization of meetings, public hearings, and forums. Participates in negotiations with tour operators;
* Concludes contracts and signs all administrative management documents;
* Develops and maintains a marketing strategy to promote the hotel and services;
* Regularly review Rooms, Food & Beverage, and Sales & Marketing department results to identify opportunities and efficiencies and maximize revenue.

Required Knowledge Skills & Abilities:

* Proven professional experience in relevant managerial role;
* Extensive knowledge of the hotel and hospitality industry
* University degree 
* Fluency in English; Knowledge in German is an advantage;
* Excellent communication, negotiation, and presentation skills;
* Strong leadership and people management skills.

All applications will be treated strictly confidentially. Only shortlist candidate will be contacted!


Production Manager

We are seeking an experienced and dedicated Production Director to join our team and play a role in optimizing our production processes. If you have a passion for manufacturing, a strong understanding of operational procedures, and are ready to work in a dynamic and innovative environment, we invite you to apply for position of
 Production Manager


Coordinates and manages all production lines and operations in the workshop to achieve optimal productivity and efficiency.
Analyzes production processes and identifies opportunities for improvements and optimization.
Defines productive and short-term goals for the workshop and develops strategies to achieve them.
Leads and motivates a team of employees, including task assignment, training, performance assessment, and providing feedback.
Optimizes inventory and materials management to avoid the need for frequent raw material changes and reduce losses and costs.
Maintains the workshop budget and monitors expenses to ensure effective and economical production operations.

We expect you to have:

Required Education and Work Experience;
Bachelor's degree in engineering, manufacturing, or a related field;
At least 5 – 7 years of progressive leadership experience in  manufacturing Environment;
Outstanding problem solving and decision making ability;
Proficiency in English and in MS Office, especially with Excel;
Effective communication skills with individuals at all levels of the organization, a strong work ethic and positive team attitude.

The company offers:

Competitive attractive remuneration package;
Become part of a highly professional and open-minded team;
A perfect environment for your personal and professional development;
Great working environment and a highly professional team.

If this opportunity fits in your career plans send us your CV. Only short list candidates will be contacted back. We are waiting for you!

Thank you!

Manpower Bulgaria is a licensed staff recruitment intermediary (License № № 2033 / 20.04.2016 г. for Bulgaria)

Plant Manager

We are seeking an experienced and dedicated Production Director to join our team and play a role in optimizing our production processes. If you have a passion for manufacturing, a strong understanding of operational procedures, and are ready to work in a dynamic and innovative environment, we invite you to apply for position of  Plant Manager.

 – Coordinates and manages all production lines and operations in the workshop to achieve optimal productivity and efficiency.
 – Analyzes production processes and identifies opportunities for improvements and optimization.
 – Defines productive and short-term goals for the workshop and develops strategies to achieve them.
 – Leads and motivates a team of employees, including task assignment, training, performance assessment, and providing feedback.
 – Optimizes inventory and materials management to avoid the need for frequent raw material changes and reduce losses and costs.
 – Maintains the workshop budget and monitors expenses to ensure effective and economical production operations.

We expect you to have:
 – Required Education and Work Experience;
 – Bachelor's degree in engineering, manufacturing, or a related field;
 – At least 5 – 7 years of progressive leadership experience in  manufacturing Environment;
 – Outstanding problem solving and decision making ability;
 – Proficiency in English and in MS Office, especially with Excel;
 – Effective communication skills with individuals at all levels of the organization, a strong work ethic and positive team attitude.

The company offers:
 – Competitive attractive remuneration package;
 – Become part of a highly professional and open-minded team;
 – A perfect environment for your personal and professional development;
 – Great working environment and a highly professional team.

If this opportunity fits in your career plans send us your CV. Only short list candidates will be contacted back. We are waiting for you!

Thank you!

Manpower Bulgaria is a licensed staff recruitment intermediary (License № № 2033 / 20.04.2016 г. for Bulgaria)

Maintenance & Automation Manager

We are offering a great professional opportunity for one of our clients – one of the leading international manufacturing companies with three factories in Central Bulgaria. We are looking for a motivated and experienced candidate for the position:
Maintenance & Automation Manager


Works on the implementation of new automated machines and is responsible for all technical documentation of the machines;
Provide mentoring and coaching on equipment troubleshooting and maintenance activities for all existing and new manufacturing equipment and systems;
Establish procedures and best practices for the engineering team. Train team on these procedures and best practices, including follow-up verification;
Proactively improve department processes and strive for enhanced levels of efficiency;
Ensure engineering maintenance department compliance with all company policies and procedures;
Lead department 5S program and promote a safe work environment.


Higher technical education in the field of engineering;
Experience in the implementation of new automated machines;
Previous experience in Automation manufacturing, preferably in the automotive industry
Good leadership and communication skills;
Ability to solve problems and make strategic decisions.

The company offers:

Opportunity for professional development in a stable company with high standards;
Attractive motivating remuneration;
Additional social benefits;
Excellent work environment;
Professional development and training;
Transport costs and relocation package.

If you want to grow professionally and become part of an amazing company, with high standards of work, strategies, goals and new automated approaches coming in,
then Apply NOW!

All applications will be treated in strict confidence. Only shortlisted candidates will be contacted.

Thank you!

Manpower Bulgaria holds a license to operate in Bulgaria No. 2033/20.04.2016.

Production Director


We are seeking an experienced and dedicated Production Director to join our team and play a role in optimizing our production processes. If you have a passion for manufacturing, a strong understanding of operational procedures, and are ready to work in a dynamic and innovative environment, we invite you to apply for position of Production Director.


• Responsibility for verifying and comparing production reports and checklists provided by the administration;
• Oversee the procurement and inventory management of packaging materials;
• Conduct daily and weekly production meetings with shift leaders;
• Provide coaching and motivation to the team to ensure optimal productivity;
• Evaluate weekly production capacity in alignment with sales demands, maintenance schedules, cleaning plans, and production characteristics;
• Generate, monitor, and share weekly Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) with the production teams;
• Develop, enhance, and maintain work instructions and procedures;
• Participate in the annual manufacturing budgeting process;
• Analyze production parameters and plant efficiency data, initiating improvements as needed;
• Support expansion, enhancement, quality, or safety projects.


· Bachelor's degree in engineering, manufacturing, or a related field;
· Previous experience in a similar role within the manufacturing sector;
· Proficiency in English and in MS Office, especially with Excel;
· Effective communication skills with individuals at all levels of the organization, a strong work ethic and positive team attitude;
· Analytical and problem-solving abilities;

If this opportunity fits in your career plans send us your CV. Only short list candidates will be contacted back. We are waiting for you!

Резюме на обявата